Don’t Be Fooled. Education Savings Accounts are a Taxpayer-funded ATM for Private and Homeschool Parents
Iowans deserve better than an education system cluttered with misinformation, waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money.
Iowans deserve better than an education system cluttered with misinformation, waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money.
These voucher schools are “private schools” when it is convenient and “public” when they want public money
Ample research demonstrates that voucher programs do not improve academic outcomes and often significantly diminish them.
Arizona’s universal voucher program is a walking permission slip for future scandal, segregation, fraud and abuse.
An often overlooked aspect of these voucher programs is they end up being publicly-funded education discrimination programs.
It doesn’t have to be this way – we can still save public schools by fighting these destructive programs and policies.
The more I saw, the more it bothered me. I decided that I could no longer accept school vouchers for my children because it was unethical.